Friday, April 15, 2011

Frontenac Ahi

Here's a quick Friday fish recipe that can't be messed up.

The What:
2 4/5oz portions of sushi grade Ahi Tuna
2 cups Crofut Frontenac wine
1 Tbs Balsamic
1 Tbs butter
2 Tbs olive oil
1 Tbs chopped parsley
2 large Portabello mushrooms
Sea Salt

The How:
Part1:Frontenac Reduction
In saucepan, add two cups Frontenac and Balsamic over medium heat. Let reduce to roughly half a cup (should take about twenty minutes). Meanwhile, complete the steps below. Once reduced, simmer until ready to plat your tuna.

Part2: The Mushrooms
Wash Portabello mushrooms and slice thin. Chop fresh parsley.
In sauté pan, melt butter over medium high heat. Toss in mushroom and parsley. Brown mushrooms on each side adding a little sea salt to the mushroom. Once browned, take off heat.

Part3: The Ahi
Salt & Pepper the Ahi evenly on each side. In sauté pan, heat olive oil to medium high heat. Carefully add Ahi to oil with tongs and sear for roughly one minute.*** Turn Fish to sear opposite side for the same amount of time. (You can sear to whatever desired temperature. I prefer mine rare)

*** Searing the Ahi depends on two things, the thickness of the cut and of course your desired doneness. One minute is roughly rare to medium rare doneness


Monday, April 11, 2011

Frontenac Chicken

Not that the world needs another chicken recipe but if you want a quick and easy dish for the family, this could be it for you.

Last night we had a few veggies, a chicken, some herbs and a bottle of Frontenac. Found the ceramic chicken cooker. (I have no idea what the proper name of these things are.) Chopped up an onion, carrot, celery and placed it at the bottom of the cooker.

Poured the wine in the center. Rubbed the chicken down with some olive oil, fresh garlic and some Italian seasonings we had in the pantry. Placed it in a preheated oven at 350 for 50 minutes and dinner was served.

Be sure to temp your chicken and make sure it has an internal temperature of 165 degrees.

This was great with some roasted sweet potatoes, spring carrots and was also great with Frontenac wine. Some might scream “NOOOO!” at the thought of drinking red wine with chicken, but I believe that one should base their wine decision on whatever they feel like drinking.

See you at the Winery!
- Richard